Apply to the GreatAmerica Employee Advised Fund

If you are non-profit organization serving Cedar Rapids/Iowa City, and you have been invited by a GreatAmerica Team member, you may submit an application during our next round of funding in September 2024 to fund your 501(c)(3) organization project or program. Applications for the GreatAmerica Employee Advised Fund are submitted via SM Apply software and will include a place for the name and contact information of the GreatAmerica Team member. Please note this fund and application process is separate from the GreatAmerica Donor Advised fund, which accepts applications through the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation.

The project or program for this funding opportunity must fit within the following areas of need:

Health and Human Services: Care for underserved individuals such as food, shelter, and medical care

Arts and Culture: Programs with emphasis on participation

Environment: Projects and programs that provide education and/ or protect the environment

Public Projects: For community good such as non-governmental recreational facilities

Additional Documents

2024 GreatAmerica Application (.DOC)

Optional Budget Form (.XLSX)

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